Artists Illustrated Everyday Moments of Motherhood in 30+ Relatable Comics

Instagram // @inna_s_art

Motherhood is full of one-of-a-kind moments that are hard to put into words. On the other hand, they say that a picture is worth a thousand words, and these artists managed to capture some of the more intense moments of motherhood in just a few frames. These will make you laugh, cry, and shudder at some of those long, sleepless nights all over again.

Welcome to the World!

Being pregnant and then giving birth is an arduous task on your body. It takes a toll, but people go through it for a reason, usually because they want to welcome a child into the world.

Instagram // @julcheck_

So, while the first few moments of motherhood might be painful and full of tears for everyone involved, there’s a part of you that wants to jump up and show your baby to the world! After all, there’s no way to describe quite how special they feel to you.

You Sacrifice So Much for Them

You do so much for your children, from cooking to cleaning and just about every single aspect of their basic needs, especially when they’re really young. So, why not take on some of the better jobs that could go with it to? // Adrienne Hedger 

After all, who knows when your archnemesis will strike and try to poison your family, like some sort of Game of Thrones plotline. It’s best to nip that in the bud and just work as the royal taste-tester as well.

Terms and Conditions Apply

You love your kids, but sometimes, you just need a moment to yourself. It’s not that you don’t want to be around them; it’s just hard to wrangle a small child and enjoy a cup of coffee.

Instagram // @julcheck_

This comic shows us how you can use your fully developed motor skills against your toddler to snag just a few seconds of peace. Then again, there are a few ways that they can get you down. Not to mention, his motor skills are going to catch up really soon.

An Inspiration for Redecoration

There are some ways that you decorate your home that change over the years to suit you and, later, your family’s needs. For instance, when you live alone, plants can sit on low surfaces.

Instagram // @julcheck_

With a baby, that’s a good way for them to get torn up, dumped out, or even eaten. So, it makes sense that the plants would be a little more elevated than they were before your little bundle of joy arrived, along with motherhood.

Sometimes, They Take the Initiative Themselves

While we’re on the topic of redecorating, sometimes having a toddler running around the house is like having a free interior designer around 24/7!

Instagram // @julcheck_

Of course, toddlers don’t usually come with a particular eye for style or any understanding of why things are the way they are in a home. However, we’ll guess that they’ll come up with some of the most interesting designs you’ve ever heard of. Have you ever considered using your toilet as a clean clothes hamper? We’re guessing not.

Appreciating Your Partner

A lot of girls grow up to want to marry the equivalent of “Prince Charming” in their eyes. Who looks like a superhero in your eyes can change, though, as you get older and have different needs.

Instagram // @julcheck_

For instance, when you’re a tired parent who just needs to sleep, Prince Charming sounds more like someone who can do the opposite of waking Sleeping Beauty up. As for this new mom, there was nothing that would sweep her off of her feet like her partner there to soothe the baby to sleep.

What a Fun Game!

When kids aren’t starting to play pretend, they often start by copying what they see. Maybe they start pretending to be the family pet or doing the job their parent does.

LunarBaboon // Comics

One of the most common choices is playing house and mimicking your parents. Usually, though, it’s a pretty simplified form of whatever they’re playing pretend as. This might be a little too much realism for a young child, even if it’s something we might say in our heads.

…Good Job Sweetie

There are some things that you teach your kids before they head off to preschool, daycare, or kindergarten. For instance, what’s what when it comes to the human body.

Instagram // @julcheck_

You don’t get into deep anatomy lessons, but kids have to learn everything — even what their legs, nose, and ears are. As a mom, you always love to see your baby learning more every day. Sometimes, you just wish that they’d show off a little gentler.

But He’s So Small!

Motherhood when your kids are young is a study of compassion, patience, and, it seems, weightlifting. After all, none of those parenting books prepared you with a workout routine!

Instagram // @julcheck_

However, carrying a baby around will show you that even a small bit of weight can start to feel really heavy when you’ve been carrying it around for hours and hours. Moms love their kids, but they love their arms too, and sometimes those arms just need a break from the lifting.

Yeah, That Sounds About Right

When you’re at the helm of motherhood, it’s hard to take a moment to relax or get something else done as you try to keep your baby safe throughout the day. Their timing is always impeccable too — and we mean that with a healthy dose of sarcasm.

Instagram // @julcheck_

It seems that they can be perfectly safe under your watch, even if you aren’t participating or intervening at all but the minute you turn your back to get something done, they somehow manage to suddenly take a tumble.

What a Jarring Point of View

When you think about your baby, you may imagine the words “cute,” “adorable,” and other such synonyms about how tiny and sweet they are.

Instagram // @julcheck_

There’s really nothing cuter than walking around the corner and seeing your partner and your baby lounging on the couch like this. Well, to you and probably to your partner. To your baby, while we never thought about it before this cartoon, the view is a little bit jarring.

Glad You’re Comfortable

You know how when you see someone yawn, you’re bound to yawn in the next few moments? Similarly, seeing someone else sleep when you’re already tired will make you feel even more exhausted.

Instagram // @julcheck_

Motherhood drives this point home a little bit more than necessary, if you ask us. At some point, she should get a break too, right? Yet, we’re going to guess that this artist isn’t the only mom who finds this scene all too familiar.

It Almost Feels Passive-Aggressive

There are some phrases that sound different to you once you find yourself in the position of motherhood. For instance, a friend telling you to enjoy your relaxing weekend.

Instagram // @julcheck_

After all, as a mother, the word “relaxing” can seem like something that is a very rare commodity. This funny artist gave us a look at what a mom’s “relaxing” weekend actually looks like. It was a nice sentiment but we aren’t sure the weekend is going to turn out relaxing.

Well, This Is New!

The first few times it happens, your baby waking up in the morning and crying to be set free from their crib sends you running.

Instagram // @julcheck_

Once you settle into parenting, you get used to recognizing the difference between hearing them wake up on the monitor and hearing them actually cry for immediate help, so the sense of urgency settles a bit. That is, until you hear them finally say that word you’ve been waiting for!

Is This How Stockholm Syndrome Works?

Given that you spend so much time with your child as a mom of a young kid, it’s no surprise that you might develop your own opinions about their toys.

Instagram // @julcheck_

This is a familiar cycle. First, the new toy is still fun and novel for both of you. Then, it starts to get annoying, but you can console yourself knowing that it’s saving you time. You might find that it starts to really drive you crazy before a strange acceptance takes hold.

Some Things Are Hard

There are some things that, as a mom, you take in stride as just a part of what happens as you live with a little human who is still working on their fine motor skills.

Instagram // @julcheck_

Then again, there are a few things that happen that really knock you off your feet, and you really weren’t expecting it. Who knew that mug actually meant so much to you before it hit the ground and shattered? You may even surprise yourself. We hope for every mom in this situation that there’s an identical mug out there waiting in the wings as a substitute for you.

Not Normally Like This

When you’re a new mom, it’s often hard to see your baby as anything but absolutely adorable. The connection you feel to this sweet little bundle of joy can leave you full of awe!

Instagram // @julcheck_

Then again, there comes a point when every mom has to face their baby in the midst of a terrible tantrum. Along with this drawing, the artist explained that she created it after seeing her son scream for the first time and how unexpected such a big sound was from such a little guy!

Taking Advantage of the Amenities

When you purchase an expensive membership to something like a gym, you probably sit to think about what your options have to offer you as you discern your decision.

In this comic, we see the logic of the everyday man or, in this case, the everyday woman. Sure, working out is great for you, but what really sold her on the gym was the fact that the membership came with daycare. Honestly, she might be onto something here.

They Like What They Like

As a new mom, a lot of people stock up the nursery with toys for the baby and continue to add onto the pile as they get older and switch things out as new interests develop.

Instagram // @julcheck_

What you’ll find that your baby is interested in is a complete surprise. Oftentimes, as funny as new parents can find it, they get caught up on something that isn’t a toy at all. For the artist here, it was watching the clothes get washed.

Different Ways to Say I Love You

As your baby learns how to interact with the world and learns new words, they might not always use them in the appropriate or correct context.

Instagram // @julcheck_

That can really snatch a few cute moments away. This scene is pretty familiar to any parent. You can’t help but tell your child how much you love them and that love even brings a tear to your eye. That is, until your sweet baby speaks up to share that they love the word “poop” or, even worse, they’re making a stinky announcement.

Constant Questions of Motherhood

When you become a parent, there are certain things you never thought you’d do that you do without question. For instance, take a close sniff of your baby’s butt to find out if it’s time for a diaper change.

Instagram // @julcheck_

Still, there’s always a moment of relief when you check and realize that they didn’t actually make a mess. As this comic shows us, though, it’s not exactly a feeling of relief that you can hold onto for very long before you do have to do a diaper change.

It’s Not Like the Movies

When you see a woman at home in the movies, mom or not, she’s often perfectly done up with a cute matching set to boot just to lounge around her own house.

Instagram // @julcheck_

In reality, if you’re at home taking care of the house and taking care of your children, it’s hard to keep that matching set clean, find the time to do your makeup, or keep your hair in the perfect updo. Not to mention, it seems hard to relax done up like that.

Their Timing is Imperfect

Toddlers have fun with just about anything that they can get their hands on. This can be cute, but this can be really inconvenient at times as well.

Instagram // @julcheck_

Any mother knows that if there’s one thing that you lose when you become a mother for a few years is the chance for privacy, even in the bathroom. Even worse, there’s no promise your toddler won’t leave you alone in the one moment that you need them to pay attention to you most.

Who Has the Time?

One interesting thing about having multiple children is how different an experience you can have between the two of them, even when it comes down to the pregnancy. Of course, with your first child, you have a bit more free time on your hands.

Instagram // @julcheck_

While you’re juggling your health, work, and preparing for a kid, you don’t have to chase down another child in the process. After your first kid, unless your kids are far apart in age, you have to prepare for motherhood again while you’re still in the midst of it.

A Romantic Tearjerker

Before you have kids, you probably spend some time dating your partner, getting to know them, and falling in love. So, we can assume there was a bit of romance along the way. Romance looks a little different after having children.

Instagram // @julcheck_

After all, it’s hard to find the same amount of time for one another one-on-one when you have kids and pets pulling you in different directions. We guess you just have to live for those little moments you can make romantic.

Wow, What a Worthwhile Effort

One of the greatest joys as a mother is for a kids’ toy to come preassembled. Some of them just never do, though, because it’d honestly be pretty impracticable. // Adrienne Hedger 

For instance, an inflatable pool sounds like a great way to cool off in the summer until it comes time to blow it up and, for some reason, the thing comes without an air pump. Still, you love your kids, so you put in the work. The only problem now is that they’re going to pop it pretty easily.

A Real Workout

Moms have a workout routine that no one really appreciates enough. When you think about it, hauling children around all day doesn’t sound like something that comes to you without practice.

Facebook // Science of Parenthood

These are just a few of the workouts you can try to hone your ‘Mom’ strength and speed. Be warned, though, that even if they look super sweet and small, your kids can often be a mighty opponent — especially during that sunscreen wrestling contest.

So Many Options

There are some lessons you want to instill in your children before they go to school to make the experience better for everyone involved. For example, reading. Not to mention, reading is really good for you!

How do you make it accessible to them? Well, you can offer a lot of books that they can choose from so they never get bored. Once they have all of those books, though, you’re bound to get in ruts where you find yourself reading the same story again and again.

There’s No Pleasing Everyone

There’s a lot of criticism out there for mothers, whether you venture online or dare to act like a mother in public. Eating lunch with your family can seem like a real nightmare.

If you breastfeed, there are complaints — but if you go for formula, you’ll hear about it too. You’d think you could get around it by feeding the baby before you leave so he isn’t hungry at the restaurant, but apparently, that’s not going to work either.

Repetition Helps You Learn

Learning isn’t something that starts once kids are in the classroom. Oftentimes, parents are not only parents but the first teachers that kids have as well. // Adrienne Hedger 

Still, many of us didn’t go into teaching for a reason, so we can’t really blame you if you aren’t as good as your average preschool teacher when it comes to patience. You have to mask it, but there are times when you mentally have to roll your eyes and bite your tongue to try it just one more time.

This Makes Clothes Shopping Hard

Pregnancy comes with a lot of body changes, and there seems to be a misconception that our bodies can snap back from it right away. In reality, it takes time.

On top of that, there are certain things about early motherhood that can keep your body changing for a while, like breastfeeding. The downside to this is that it makes clothes shopping really hard for a while. What are you supposed to do while your size keeps changing?

What Cruelty

When you hear a baby crying for a long time, you might start to think the worst. At the very least, a lot of neighbors would get annoyed with what they were hearing.

Instagram // @inna_s_art

If you asked the baby, they’d no doubt put it into words so dramatically that it would make for a great sound clip. However, the reality is often that parents are just telling the baby they can’t do something that wouldn’t be good for them anyway.

You Did Your Best

As a mother, you want to make sure that your baby gets sick as little as possible. Remember, though — it’s pretty easy for kids to get sick, so don’t be too hard on yourself.

Yin + Yangster // Laura Yang

Sometimes, they manage to get germs in their mouths in ways you wouldn’t expect. After all, how could you have predicted that your first child would be bendy enough to pull of a stunt like this? Note to self: next time, wash the feet too.

How Does This Happen?

Buying baby clothes should be easy. They’re even labeled by the age of your baby. What could go wrong with a system like that? Well, just like full-grown people, babies come in many shapes and sizes.

Instagram // @inna_s_art

In addition, a lot of parents shop a size up so that their rapidly growing bundle of joy can wear it for a while. Trying to catch the moment that they fit, though, is like waiting for an avocado to ripen. You’ll only have a split second and then they’ll have outgrown them completely.

The Batteries Never Die

We do a lot these days to find renewable sources of energy. After all, you want to do what you can to reduce your carbon footprint and go green, right?

Moms might know exactly what we can use to power just about anything we need to for the rest of time, though. At the end of the day, we should use whatever powers those singing toys that just never seem to reach the end of their battery life.

That’s Not How We Remember It

It’s really hard to put into words what you feel when your baby is born. You and your partner probably remember them as the most beautiful baby in the world. In reality, there are some things that aren’t quite so cute about newborns.

Instagram // @inna_s_art

After all, they were just coming into the world, and they looked like they had just been born. Without all those hormones and adrenaline flooding your body, you might remember them looking a little bit different than when you look back months or years later.

How Could We Forget?

When you have a baby, there’s a lot that you don’t really enjoy. None of it has to do with time with your baby and more to do with wishing there were more hours in the day to take care of yourself.

Instagram // @inna_s_art

When your baby is young, you might wonder how someone would ever want a second child. Then, just when you get to the point that your child is more independent and things start to get a little more manageable, there’s something in you that decides you need to move up to the next level of difficulty.

Nothing on the Edges

We already talked about how you might reorganize your house to keep things that aren’t childsafe or that you don’t want to risk being destroyed in your child’s reach.

Instagram // @inna_s_art

That means that you have to reorganize the little things too, like anything you put on your table when you sit down to work. Anything sharp, glass, filled with liquid, or expensive and fragile should stay far from the edges where your baby can just barely reach.

Someone to Blame

There are a lot of benefits to having a baby. For many people, it’s the source of a one-of-a-kind bond that you’ll never match — unless you have a second child, that is.

Instagram // @inna_s_art

On a more practical note, babies don’t really care about niceties if they have to burp or pass gas. Sometimes, they can shock you with how big of a sound comes from a little body. You can use that to your advantage to pass the blame like this artist shows.

One of These Isn’t Like the Others

Babies are learning a lot, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have anything to offer! There are some things that babies do that moms just can’t believe.

Instagram // @inna_s_art

For one, if your day is going poorly, it’s hard to stay sad when you have your little bundle of joy to spend time with after it all. On the flip side, their other superpower is one that is technically shocking but much more upsetting.